From +Rowan's letter:
I have committed myself very clearly to awaiting the views of the Primates before making any statement purporting to settle the question of The Episcopal Church's status, and I can't easily short-circuit that procedure. ... However, without forestalling what the Primates might say, I would repeat what I've said several times before - that any Diocese compliant with Windsor remains clearly in communion with Canterbury and the mainstream of the Communion, whatever may be the longer-term result for others in The Episcopal Church.
The organ of union with the wider Church is the Bishop and the Diocese rather than the Provincial structure as such. Those who are rushing into separatist solutions are, I think, weakening that basic conviction of Catholic theology and in a sense treating the provincial structure of The Episcopal Church as if it were the most important thing - which is why I continue to hope and pray for the strengthening of the bonds of mutual support among those Episcopal Church Bishops who want to be clearly loyal to Windsor.
I had to read it a couple of times to believe I was seeing what I was reading. The "organ of union" is "the Diocese and Bishop" and the criterion for that union is being "Loyal to Windsor???" Words fail me ... but happily, they didn't fail Nigel Taber-Hamilton -- who offered this reflection on his blog yesterday:
At 5:15 p.m. on Sunday, October 27 any respect I have been able to maintain for Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, and any hope for the survival of the Anglican Communion as we currently know it, died.
At 5:15 p.m. I was reading the House of Bishops and Deputies List – a list-serv for members of those two General Convention houses – when I came across a copy of a letter dated October 14, 2007 from Williams to Bishop John Howe of the conservative Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida. This letter was read to the Standing Committee of that diocese last Thursday (October 18), and released this afternoon..
The letter was staggering in its misunderstanding of the polity of the Anglican Communion and the Episcopal Church and shockingly naive in its understanding of where most Episcopalians stand with regard to any interference in our own affairs by foreign Prelates.
.Many progressives – including myself – supported our House of Bishops’ recent New Orleans statement, and cautioned many within our province to control their anger at its apparent abandonment of some of our members. We now owe those members an apology – they were right not to trust Williams, and they were right that our House of Bishops should not have done so either.
Read the rest here.==========
Apology accepted.
And now, stay tuned for further developments in the (seemingly!!!) never-ending saga of "As the Anglican World Turns."
.Additional commentary:
Pluralist Speaks: National Anglican Churches Demolished
Father Jake: More Confusion from Canterbury
Episcopal Cafe: Think before you leap
Did I miss something, or did Central Florida just become a diocese of the Church of England?
Why care that the ABofC defines who is an Anglican? Why care that the American province isn't as important as the diocese?Progressives have gladly burst any chain of definition, so just go with it now. The Episcopal Church isn't being recognized as Anglican (for the most part). Why should that bother anybody now?
Who needs 'em?
I am a CCM Lutheran under contract to the Diocese of Easton, Maryland. I am also gay, partnered and out. My theological education and tradition have always maintained that the only real instrument of unity for Christians is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't mean to be overtly iconoclastic, but doesn't this take trump any institutional entity? I am scratching my head.....
I was nonplussed when I read your first take on the ABC fiasco at Jake's. hmmm... too much of a good time at the wedding banquet?
So I'm happy to see that, with the light of day, you came to your senses this morning. I think we all now see this as a catastrophic scandal of the first degree.
Nigel's most recent take: "Nice going, Rowan. You can put down your gun now - and, yes, it turned out to be loaded, didn't it!? Too bad you didn't think about that before pointing it at the Communion and pulled the trigger!"
Wow, was Dumbledore based on Williams? That photos are just scary.
david ... yep: I jumped the gun at a quick "first read" and was lulled by Charlotte's "more of the same" take. But, as noted elsewhere, in the cool light of morning had quite a DIFFERENT reaction.
Anonymous said . . . .
" The Episcopal Church isn't being recognized as Anglican (for the most part)."
Anon, the Episcopal Church is not even being recognized as Christian, for the most part.
Not being recognized as Anglican will be the least of your worries, ten years hence.
candace ... yep,the pictures are really something, aren't they?
pilgrim ... thanks for the reminder of just HOW wide a gap we need to mind as we continue to be in dialogue with those with whom we respectfully disagree (present company notwithstanding!)
Though I'm sad to see this, I'm not surprised. In all honesty, I've not felt able to trust our Anglican leadership since the last Lambeth, our brief hopes for Rowan dashed almost immediately. And I have not been able to trust our TEC leadership since the last minute queer sacrificial lamb resolutions at the past General Convention. I find it particularly telling that this news comes to John Howe, one of the most disingenuous members of the House of Bishop who sits atop a cesspool of homophobia and fundamentalism of his own creation here in Central Florida. To whom else would it have come?
There are days when I truly wonder what I ever saw in this church. Thank G-d I do not make my living here.
Whereas Professor Dumbledor is a protector of the highest order, a man who despite mistakes or error can not be corrupted or seduced by evil Rowan Williams can, and has. Is it Amazing that they look so similar? I am reminded of how Jesus warned his disciples that false teachers would come to them, for all the world looking and sounding as if they were teaching in Jesus' name but who would lead them into evil. After 2,000 years of this we've collected many stories of this happening within the church. This is just the most recent in so many stories.
We recognize our Shepherd's voice when we hear a call to love, peace, justice, and celebration of the diversity of all creation. We are equiped to know when God, Jesus and the Spirit are behind what we experience, we just need to trutst it.
We are hearing voices of hate, fear, intollerance, bigotry, judgementalism, and false witness against GLBTI people BECAUSE of our love for one another. These are not the voices of God, and they don't come from the followers of God. God is love, and calls us to perfect ourselves in love. God is to become the center of all our love making in whatever form it takes - especially sexual lovemaking. Those who call for the persecution of people for loving speak with voices of a very different master. It's ok for us to resist evil.
Jim Costich
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