Good news for those who want to help make a difference in winning back the freedom to marry here in California and securing equality for all across this great country of ours!
"Let California Ring" is a visibility project to encourage support for marriage equality AND to get conversations started with those who need to hear our witness. From the EQCA website:
They say the hardest part of a conversation is the first line. Display your gear with pride and spark a conversation. Tell your story to open hearts and open minds.
So Click here to a order a button, t-shirt or yardsign ... and help us change hearts and minds ... a conversation/inch at a time!
I am sorry, but I just cannot give any money, for any reason associated with EQCA anymore. They are out of touch an unresponsive to huge swaths of the LGBT movement. I'd much rather see groups like the Courage Campaign and Love, Honor, Cherish become headliners in the next campaigns. My two cents...
From our blog this afternoon (2/23)
In his Oscar acceptance speech last evening Sean Penn mentioned "the shame they continue to live in, they'll pass on to their children & grandchildren." He was referring to people in California who voted yes on Prop 8. Here's hoping Penn's Oscar win for his portrayal of Harvey Milk creates the kind of momentum needed to finally secure equal rights, including marriage equality for everyone, not just in California but across this nation. For our religious friends, it is time to listen to the founder of your liturgy, truly listen to what He said, unburden yourselves of your self-righteous hatred and bigotry and accept the simple truth that everyone, black, white, male, female, gay, straight deserves to love and be loved, and to marry who they love and cherish. It is time.
Anastasia -- Thanks for your "two cents" ... and here's mine:
It takes a village and it's going to take all of us working together. EQCA made HUGE mistakes in the 2008 campaign and they are making huge changes in how they "do business" as a result.
Adding the Reverend Abel Lopez and Rabbi Steve Jacobs to their Board is one of those steps ... so I'm keeping them on my "go to" list ... ordering some buttons and a lawn sign ... and keeping up the pressure to bring all the advocacy groups TOGETHER toward our same common goal of equality for all!
From Mariah and Byron's blog to God's ear. Oh, wait. He's not the problem. :) May He soften hearts and make minds wise and loving.
Again, EQCA has designed a positive message campaign, one that engages people progressively. I'm showing this to our Equality Arizona folks. We need to be doing something similar. We seem to be falling back into hopelessness and apathy. Now is the time to become pro-active.
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