Tomorrow morning, "Hail to the Chief" will play into David Norgard's voicemail and the transition we've been working on since we left Anaheim will be complete -- with a new president and board in place ready to continue to move Integrity's decades-long vision of an Episcopal Church where ALL the baptized are truly "welcome" in all aspects of its work and witness.
I have said this before, but want to say it today in this forum: If I ever again have a parish or community member ask me how I know there's a God who answers prayer, I will tell the story of David Norgard stepping forward and offering his gifts of strategic thinking, visionary leadership and long history of justice-doing to lead Integrity as its president for these next important three years in its history.
There are not words to express my gratitude for the privilege of being part of this work over these last years. For Louie Crew, who continues to mentor, lead and inspire after ALL these years! For Michael Hopkins, friend, brother-priest, visionary and servant leader extraordinaire. For John Clinton Bradley, whose unique gifts of administration, inspiration and determination have helped in SO many ways to "bring us thus far on the way." For members of the Integrity Boards -- past, present and future. For my partner, Louise, who has given sacrificially of "our" time and energy to support the work of Integrity.
I could go on and on ... but let me just say:
I am so VERY ready to hand the presidential baton to David and the ongoing work to the new board, and deeply aware that the work we have to do going forward is important as the work we have done to this point!
With prayers of thanksgiving for all that has been done and great optimism and hope for all that will be done as we move forward together into God's future ...

1 comment:
Congratulations, Susan. You did a fantastic job. Thanks for your dedicated service, and best wishes now that you will hopefully have a minute to breathe, here and there. :)
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