Here's the view from the window of our hotel in London, where we'll be for a couple of days before heading to Canterbury for "the duration."
It is perfectly situated directly across from an underground station -- which has uncooperatively been closed for repairs ... (see also: "best laid plans.")
And how seredipitous was it that as we got Giles together with Louise and Jim Naughton (of Diocese of Washington/Episcopal Cafe fame) together for a "candid shot" this spectacular rainbow arched its way right over their heads.
Make of it what you will ... we're taking it for a sign of good things to come! (The end of the deluge is in sight, perhaps?)

Finally, after a lovely supper on the Putney High Street, we did want to set the record straight: this is NOT our solution to our Underground stop being out of commission NOR is it the transportation of choice for the Bishop of New Hampshire -- but it certainly was an odd thing to spy on Putney High Street!
Okay, I'm seeing jackets and shirts - so I'm getting a better sense how to pack for this trip. Layers. I wasn't going to bring a jacket but now will. Oh, and shoes. Right.
Glad you landed safely. My love to Louise and Jim and Giles - and +Gene, when you see him.
The rainbow- you could not have made that one up!
Ah, give my regards to London town. My father lived there for three years when I was in college and just after graduation and I would go spend all my free time there so you're in my old stomping grounds. If you make up to Regent's Park, he lived nearby and I used to love to go over to the Queen Mary rose garden. Anyway, enjoy.
word verification: wtwwhwjd
what the world
well how
would Jesus do?
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