by Kathy Thaden
Mixed Media Mosaic, 2007
8" x 8"
.Mixed Media Mosaic, 2007
8" x 8"
Let us now praise unsung women,
our mothers in their generations.
The Lord apportioned them for great glory,
but their light became hidden,
as though it never was.
There were those who ruled in their kingdoms,
and distinguished themselves by their valor,
Those who gave counsel because they were intelligent,
and who spoke in prophetic oracles.
Those who led the people by their counsels
and by their knowledge of the people's lore.
Some composed musical tunes,
or fashioned words into verses,
But they have perished as though they never existed,
they have become as though they were never born.
They considered fields and bought them;
They were gifted weavers and cooks.
They opened their hands to the poor,
and reached out their arms to the needy.
Their love and their strength,
are an inheritance to children's children.
Let unsung women be unsung no longer,
they and their daughters after them.
Let the assembly declare their wisdom,
and the congregation proclaim their praise.
-Will Sol
(thanks to Tom Woodward!)
Now that is the most beautiful prayer, honoring/memoralizing our great Mothers.
Reminds me of my grandma and great aunts who have physically gone, but, forever in my heart, there souls live on, on All Saints Day
This is a really good theological reflection piece for EfM!!
I wish we could give names to the nameless greats that we DO know about, starting with the "woman with the alabaster jar."
That is beautiful. But I'm still afraid to come to Church today.
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