Anyway, he preached for us on Sunday ... "Salvation and Democracy" (now up online on video) and then we had quite the lovely post-Evensong reception ...
Here's us looking very Anglican in our cassocks, don'tcha think?

Happily, we'll be at the same conference next month at Seabury-Western, working with allies to continue to move the church forward on in the inclusion of all the baptized into the Body of Christ. And I know there are moves afoot to get him back for another bit to All Saints Church.
So stay tuned ... and bon voyage, Vicar! Safe travels back and blessings on you and your global witness to God's inclusive love!
What a great homilist ... I guess I know where I'll be headed next time I'm in London on a Sunday!
It's nice to hear words like whilst. Also amongst. As in "bless art thou amongst women." Who was that Irish writer who said that when he was a kid he thought that something to do with "a monk swimming"? -- J
One teeny tiny thing.
Tippets go on over the hood.
I'm sorry, the verger in me never dies.
On a more serious note, that was a phenomenal thing to listen to.
Yes, yes, I know. "Tippet on top" they taught me "back in the day." I fixed it before the service but not in time for "the Kodak moment!"
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