While the bloggers carried on keeping each other up to date on the lastest warps and wiggles in and about the Anglican Communion, we took a day off from all of that and took our colleague The Reverend Dr. Giles Fraser, Vicar of All Putney, off sightseeing in Hollywood!
Here he is dodging traffic to get his photo under The Hollywood Sign ...

Here he is, checking out the "lights, camera, not-so-much-action" along Hollywood Boulevard ...

And here WE are in a highlight moment for both of us ... a photo op with a central casting Jesus (note the blonde highlights!) right in front of the Kodak Theatre with the "Nightmare Before Christmas" marquee in the background!
Only in L.A.!!!
And now, as I said in a comment a few minutes ago, I'm going back to practicing my "solemn chant" for tomorrow. We only sing Rite I once a year (on All Saints Day) so tho 'tis rather like riding a bike one doesn't like to wobble too much in front of a church full of people on one's patronal festival, does one?
Giles talks to you? But you're a blogger. He hates bloggers. We're under-educated plebeians who should know our place and leave the talking up to people who went to Oxbridge universities and write for proper media like "The Church Times."
Welcome Giles! Remember: all of America is EXACTLY like Hollywood. :)
Hooray for Giles and Susan and All Saints Church!
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