On this Memorial Day we remember with compassion all those who have died serving their countries in combat as we pray for the courage to act to bring peace to all places where people suffer from violence, war and conflict.
Found this poem on Rosie's Blog:
Something Is Lost
Something of every boy is lost in war
As surely as the boy who dies in war is lost:
The wonder in his eyes, bright as a star,
The laughter that was quick and clean as frost:
Something of trust, reluctance to do harm;
The sense that all was right, that men were good:
Something is lost, less tangible than blood.
Something of every boy is lost, the thread
Upon which his illusions once were strung.
Like some bright bird that flies with crippled wing
Each boy returns less gentle and less young.
What is there we can say to assuage the truth?
Nothing but lasting peace can avenge their youth.
Mabel C. Burlingham .
PS -- It's OK to take a day off ... I have it on good authority that the church will still be a mess on Tuesday!
As step-mom to a 15 yr old boy, I can tell you this poem makes me tear up a lot. I can't imagine what it does to a mom of soldier.
I am opposed to this war. I want our children to come home.
Praying for Jamie and all of our men & women in the military.
Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (p. 823, 1979 BCP)
I just spent Memorial Day weekend camping with a large extended family. I found myself staring at my beautiful and gentle 17 year old nephew, wondering about his future. My heart is heavy for our military men and women. I pray for Jamie, and I pray for them all. I, too, am greatly opposed to this war, and grieve that no solutions seem clear to me. Sometimes knots cannot be untangled. I find it hard to believe sometimes that God just doesn't give up on us. df
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