Also on the "happy list" are Elizabeth Kaeton's wonderful sermon "Peter, Paris, James & The New Commandment" preached at St. Paul's in Chatham NJ and Michael Hopkins' prophetic witness "The Restorer of Streets to Live In" preached in the streets of Rochester NY.
From Elizabeth: God has given to Peter and Paris and James and even you and me the repentance that leads to new life. “What God has made clean, you must not call profane.” Because it is by the love we show one another, not the judgement or the labels or the condemnation or the exclusion, but the love – even when that love leads to tough decisions to find a way to hold each other accountable for our actions while still keeping us together in the fold – the demonstration of THAT love is how we will be known as disciples of Christ Jesus, who said, “Love one another as I have loved you.”
From Michael: I have an agenda, as I said, which I trust and pray has at least a large part to do with God’s agenda—a new heaven and a new earth, a home for God among us, and us unshackled from the old ways of division and scarcity and fear. Together we can restore streets to live in, and together we can rebuild this church of ours. Let us be the ones who say, “No more acceptance of decline and scarcity as a way of life. No more playing the Survivor game. It stops, with the grace of God, with us, if we are willing to stop it together.”
Into the "not so happy" file goes the effort to "pie" Don Armstrong in the Grace Church pulpit yesterday. Fr. Jake has the story along with the opportunity to weigh in on the question, "So, is a pie in the face an appropriate response to the shenanigans of Don Armstrong?" (For the record my answer is "No!")
Closer to home and ALSO "not so happy" was the recent violation of her probation and impending incarceration of one near and dear to me. (And no, it's not Paris Hilton!)
In the "Lost & Found" Department, Mark Harris is reporting that Archbishop Akinola has "found" the letter from the Archbishop of Canterbury asking him to reconsider his CANA cameo appearance -- found and responded. Whatever.
And on the Required Reading List the Memorandum "Report of the House of Bishops' Task Force on Property Disputes" dated April 9th but posted today over on Daily Episcopalian (among other less fun to hang out at places.) Anybody else remember back when we were considered "paranoid" for suggesting that there was a conspiracy afoot?
Finally, here's my nominee for best bumper sticker of the week ... also courtesy Elizabeth Kaeton's "Telling Secrets."
Happy Monday, Everybody!

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