I had fun doing the Air America "State of Belief" rado show this week. Walking With Integrity has a link to the MP3 file of the piece here ... easier to link to them than figure out how to do that myself. I appreciated the quality of the questions that were asked and the opportunity to get "our " perspective out into the air waves. Check it out and see what you think.
Also from Walking With Integrity is this note about our Integrity meeting in Fort Worth this weekend. Looking forward to being "deep in the heart of Texas" with colleagues and companions on the journey. Prayers invited for safe travel and a productive meeting. (And do stop by for Eucharist if you're in the neighborhood!)
"In other news" Rosie has quit The View and I'm really bummed about that. It's also only two-episodes-from-the-end-of-The-Sopranos and I was really intrigued by this Huffington Post piece speculating on the what-nexts.
In the "funny how stuff makes its way around the blogosphere" department a comment on the post last week on this blog about the wedding of two Episcopal priests ("Mazel Tov") was the springboard for some reflections over at a blog called out the backroom window. (Thanks, Julian ... blessings on you and your family, too!)
Today just happens to be the natal feast of the Bishop of New Hampshire. Happy, HAPPY Birthday and God's richest blessings to you in the coming year, +Gene!
Finally, I am posting this photo of my bishop just because I can ...
... and because I like it so much. It was taken Sunday at the birthday party of a mutual friend and I just am so grateful to have a bishop who has managed against some pretty incredible odds to remain grounded, optimistic and faitful and who is still willing to take some time off on a Sunday afternoon to just "hang out in the 'hood."
Here endeth the "bits and pieces."
Thanks, Susan, for mentioning my blog. And thanks for the good radio commentary. Have a good meeting in Fort Worth.
Have a good trip, Susan, and try not to think of this quote from Julian's bio:
I remember an airplane mechanic I once worked with who remarked, as he stuck piece of chewing gum into the guts of a jet engine, "well, that ought to get her to Albuquerque."
Nice pic of +Jon. He looks relaxed and at peace with himself... as well he should.
Susan, just FYI, I transcribed your interview here. Got a little over halfway into it on Sunday and then had to leave for my EfM seminar. And then had to spend most of the day Monday helping Son in Ohio with a science project. Finally finished the transcript at the end of the day Monday, but never checked it thoroughly for typos. Will try to do that tonight, but since you mentioned the interview, this seemed like the time to link to it.
You're bummed about Rosie leaving the View? Surely you can find a better proponent for your views than her? Remember that this woman has stated that she didn't believe that 9/11 occurred as has been reported because "fire can't melt steel"? She sheds way more heat than light, from what I've seen.
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