I could neither have asked for nor imagined either the challenges or the opportunities these last 12 years have offered on that June afternoon at St. Francis. I know I felt on that day that I had come to the end of a long and winding road called "the discernment process" but, in reality, it was just the beginning -- and the discernment never stops!
It has been an extraordinary privilege to be called into this ministry at this time in this diocese in this church. I feel tonight -- after a yet-another very long and VERY wonderful Sunday at All Saints Church -- the most blessed of women.
There will be time enough soon enough to get back to all the things that need sorted out, reflected upon, challenged, organized, sermonized and otherwise acted upon.
Tonight I'm grateful for the grace just to be grateful for the privilege of serving God in this church -- and for all those who share the joy of this work and witness.
Twelve years ago this month, I became a mother for the first time---and I could say most of what you've said here about that! :-)
What amazing things have happened in those 12 years! The church is blessed to have you, Susan+. May God grant you many more years of ministry.
Happy Anniversary.
You were a CHILD! A mere CHILD!
God bless you in your work and happy anniversary!
God's richest blessings on you on your diaconal anniversary... and never forget the servant within. The church has been blessed by your twelve years of service and may it continue to be!
Congratulations, my dear. You have been a blessing in my life and the lives of so many others. You are a gift of and to the church. May God continue to richly bless you that you may continue to be a blessing.
Happy Anniversary, Susan! We are blessed to have you at ASC.
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