Most of it isn't new to me. In McLaren's writing I hear echoes of Verna Dozier, Ed Bacon, Desmond Tutu and Barbara Harris (to name a few.) But I particularly loved his chapters on "reframing Jesus" and wanted to share in this space his example of the Magnificat Mary DIDN'T sing as food for thought.

My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my personal Savior, for he has been mindful of the correct saving faith of his servant.
My spirit will go to heaven when my body dies, for the Mighty one has provided forgiveness, assurance and eternal security for me -- holy is his name.
His mercy extends to those who have correct saving faith and orthodox articulations of belief, from generation to generation.
He will overcome the damning effects of original sin with his mighty arm; he will damn to hell those who believe they can be saved through their own efforts or through any religion other than the new one He is about to form.
He will condemn followers of other religions to hell but bring to heaven those with correct belief. He has filled correct believers with spiritual blessings but will send those who are not elect to hell forever.
He has helped those with correct doctrinal understanding, remembering to be merciful to those who believe in the correct theories of atonement, just as our preferred theologians throughout history have articulated.
[McLaren, Brian. Everything Must Change. pg. 103]
I have read the book and it is excellent in its general direction. I do, however, think McLaren is a bit naive about the business world. Many of his proposals are not doable because he does not undertand that a business has to make a profit to survive. He also does not understand the legal system. McLaren would benefit from a deeper understanding of how business works and how the law works. Nonetheless, I think the Episcopal Church should ordain him a a priest, if not a bishop, as his spiritual leadership is outstanding.
Wow, that's terrific. I've heard good things about the book; I'm going to get it now. Thanks for posting that!
Glory be to God, this is good. Thank you Susan. Oh my.
Pax, C.
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