ANYWAY ... all of this to say there is no elbow room for blogging but a girl has to eat (lunch ... at her desk) and whilst eating lunch at my desk I came across this story which was too good not to share ... in brief ... and in the "Makes the Heart Glad" category:
Lesbian couple share Navy's 'first kiss' homecoming honors

Seems they decide who gets to be first off the ship and plant one on their beloved by a lottery system ... and Petty Officer 2nd Class Marissa Gaeta was the Big Winner.
Here's the story in USA Today ... and we now return to our regularly scheduled Christmas preparations. Ho, Ho, Ho!!
Oh, yum. Happy-happy!
This picture was on the FRONT PAGE of my local paper (the Sacramento Bee: Petty Officer Gaeta is a local grrl). Yay! :-D
...and then today (the next day), the first Letter-to-the-Editor was of the "Somebody, think of the children!" variety (and I noticed the writer didn't thank the women for their service in the freedom of her right to bitch about them, either. >:-/ )
Two steps forward, one step back...
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