Thanks to Elizabeth Kaeton for forwarding this "picture worth a thousand words." It seems to me that there are striking parallels between the concerted efforts of the current administration to ignore the truly pressing issues of national concern by exploiting the "gay marriage" issue and the concerted efforts of the radical right in the Episcopal Church to hijack the mission and minstry of the church by exploiting the LGBT inclusion issue.
More from Columbus shortly ...
I just love a good cartoon!
Let's can the "Hijcacking" language. A case can be made that the conservative wing of our denomination is simply responding to the hijacking by the progressive/left/whatever you want to call it wing in 2003 and before.
Sorry, Paul ... there's a distinct difference between a thirty year process of acting on the resolution stating that gay and lesbian people had "full and equal claim" on the church and the insistence since 2003 that the inclusion of LGBT people in the church means the end of the communion, the church and probably western civilization.
It's the same kind of hijacking we're seeing in the public sector with a few conservative voices continuing to raise the "gay marriage" issue to polarize and electorate actually more interested in a dozen other more pressing issues.
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