In the saber rattling department:
Nigeria has elected four new intercontinental ballistic bishops to launch at Apostate America (two notes: the new bishops-elect are un-named at the moment -- any guesses? and do check out Mark Harris's commentary du jour).
Meanwhile Matt Kennedy has more ultimatums for the Archbishop of Canterbury: "If the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Primate’s Standing Committee (PSC) do not come to “make a deal” or, as Bishop Jenkins says, to “find a way forward together” but rather they come prepared to lay down, once more, the Dar line, then perhaps the Communion can be saved."
And finally there is a sound of exultation and victory in the titusonenine tents at the news that the California Supreme Court will grant a petition hearing on the pending parish property litigation. (It ain't over til it's over, folks!)
But -- lest you conclude that gloom and doom prevail, fear not -- there are actually ARE people excited about this church, the Gospel and the Good News that we are called to proclaim -- hopeful and joyful and sharing that hope and joy in wonderful and creative ways. Check these two great examples:
For starters, read Anne Peterson's moving "Coming Home to God's Love" in this week's All Saints "Saints Alive" and then watch Phyllis Tickle on Trinity Television and, finally, remember:
This is the day that the Lord has made.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
Not an ultimatum, of course, but an observation
Gee ... it sounds like an ultimatum to me: another "our way or the highway" alert.
Susan, Thanks for ending on such a positive note ... loved the "Coming Home to God" piece. There IS alot to rejoice and be glad in ... just not so much on the conservative blogs! :)
Please tell Anne Peterson there are people in Arizona giving thanks for her recovery and for her homecoming!
I'm reading this at the end of a long day of parish ministry, which included a meeting of our clergy association in Rhode Island, where we shared together about the joy of being priests and deacons in the Episcopal Church. And joy will prevail!
listen, do your thing but please don't call it the Gospel. Don't add blasphemy to error
for anonymous 5:49 PM -- "Gospel, from the Old English god-spell "good tidings"
Luke 2:10 "Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people."
That would be ALL people.
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