[Pasadena Star News: September 14, 2007]
The idea for the project was sparked three years ago by the Women's Issues Committee of All Saints Church in Pasadena, which is part of the Ecumenical Council.
"We were looking at issues facing homeless women in Pasadena," said Jackie Knowles, who facilitated the project. "At that time, there were 1,200 homeless on the street and about one-third were women."
Over the next several years, the committee talked with local homeless women and observed the challenges they faced, working closely with officials from the Downtown Women's Center. They also held a series of dialogues called "Woman Talk" with women who frequented the Pasadena Bad Weather Shelter, another homeless facility operated by the Ecumenical Council.
Their goal was to identify any areas where homeless women were being underserved.
Well done, Women's Council!
1 comment:
Dear Rev. Russell:
Here in Michigan, where winters can be brutal local churches of several denominations have come together in something call Love, INC. (In the Name of Christ).
Each church takes a full week on a rotating basis during the winter to provide shelter (usually inside the church buildigs) and food for the homeless. Church members act as security and cooks from about 5 p.m. until 8 a.m.
Everyone (sometimes we get whole families) gets breakfast, a lunch to take with them to work, school or some type of employment or housing counseling during the day and then returns for a dinner meal.
It has been a great model (and it's not just limited to women) and is being duplicated in other cities around Michigan.
Some of these folks have multiple issues facing them and need more than just a "hot and a cot" and Love, INC. is working to meet all those needs.
During the warmer months there are larger shelters that provide similar services, but the winter months are crucial and deadly.
In the case of our small local community it rarely involves more than 25 people on any given night.
I bring this up just to point out another model that folks can look to in addressing one of our country's nagging problems.It is also a very ecumenical one.
Churches without enough rooms or kitchen facilities to help, provide workers to provide security overnight and money to keep things going.
IMHO no church is really doing God's work if it does not have some ministry, donation or other outreach to the many homeless in the country.
A sinner saved by God's Grace.
Jim from Michigan
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