... which I promptly placed on the bulletin board next to my desk:
- Maybe it's because we just finished watching John Adams on HBO last night;
- Maybe it's because we've been spending so much time during this primary election season thinking about what's best and worst about our political process;
- Maybe it's because of all the conversations I've been having pre-Lambeth with allies on both sides of "the pond" ...
Whatever the reason, I'm feeling more and more comfortable with the fact that the American Episcopal Church HAS been revolutionary ... since 1789.
And I'm feeling more and more ... well, empowered comes to mind ... in continuing to be part of an ongoing revolution that really does hold some truths to be self-evident -- that all people are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights and that among them are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
And I'm feeling more and more ... well, empowered comes to mind ... in continuing to be part of an ongoing revolution that really does hold some truths to be self-evident -- that all people are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights and that among them are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Kind of fits right in there with striving for justice and peace among all people, and respecting the dignity of every human being, doesn't it?
Revolutionary Since 1789
Revolutionary Since 1789
Viva la Revolucion!
(And let the people say, "Amen!")
So how do we obtain copies of he bumper sticker?
Via email from my Florida connection:
I got it from cafepress.com. In the search bar at the top, leave it on "all departments" and type in "episcopal" or "anglican." There's lots of stuff, some of it kind of corny, some of it interesting.
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