Posted by Kendall Harmon
(ACNS) In response to reports of violence and threats towards Christians involved in the debate on human sexuality, the Archbishop of Canterbury has given the following statement:“The threats recently made against the leaders of Changing Attitudes are disgraceful. The Anglican Communion has repeatedly, through the Lambeth Conference and the statements from its Primates’ Meetings, unequivocally condemned violence and the threat of violence against gay and lesbian people. I hope that this latest round of unchristian bullying will likewise be universally condemned.”
This needs to be said repeatedly in the current environment--KSH.
AMEN, Kendall!
Sadly, the Stand Firmites don't appear to be agreement with the Gentleman from South Carolina ... and instead of condemning the violence are "Calling Out" the victims ...
Shall not be justifying that with further response -- suffice to say:
- Pray for all those who are victims of violence
- AND pray for those whose blindness to the oppressive systems that foster violence against ANY member of the human family prevents them from responding to Our Lord's call to be peacemakers.
Some seem to be "Standing Firm" only in their ignorance, bullying, hypocrisy and homophobic fear.
Too bad for them. I don't hold out much hope for their eyes to be opened, though I suppose it is only through Jesus that they will finally see the Light, so I'll keep prayin' for 'em.
My preference is to focus on the Gospel message of Love, and encourage an end to violence in whatever form it appears. I'll keep headin' in that direction, and maybe they'll catch up with all of us someday.
Dear Susan, please change the color of this post to something readable by anyone visually impaired, or even with older eyes.
The best "color" for articles on your blog, due to your choice of background color, is white. It is better than your usual pale blue, because it provides the best contrast and allows the letterforms to stand out from the background.
You do a great job here, please do not take this as criticism, just a hint to make a great job better! Readability is to be desired over hipness in the blog of one desiring to be a communicator.
Tu hermano
david ... appreciate the feedback. at this point i'm limited by the nature of the blogger template which sets the font color and style automatically ... if someone blog-smarter than me wants to help me figure out how to over-ride that i'd be happy to!
One amazing thing about the Stand Firm post is how so many of the comments immediately focused on the colorful "French" expression used by Mr. Griffith instead of the underlying issue. A cheap trick, indeed, to draw attention from their own behavior and the reprehensible behavior they apparently condone.
Rev. Russell, the comments at Stand Firm certainly cover a wider spectrum than the post implies. However, I applaud you for posting KSH's remarks. I've posted before. You probably saw what I posted at SF:
begin quote -
I’ve posted on Rev. Russell’s site and on T19 and Stand Firm from time to time. I have a Master’s degree in Conflict Analysis and Resolution. I can say with some confidence that we have reached the point where all communication has broken down—nothing good will come of this thread at this time. We, and I mean all of us reasserter and reappraiser alike, need to step back and count to ten, pray, whatever. This whole issue has spun out of control. There are no facts, only accusations. Nothing good has come of this and it is highly unlikely anything will. This is a road we have all been walking down for quite some time. It will take a long time to walk back the other way. At this point, all I can say is that I pray you think and pray before you post.
We can point fingers, assign blame, but it will get us nowhere at this point. The rhetorical atmosphere is superheated. There is no discussion, no listening, no forgiveness. I know silence will not resolve the matters but ask yourself,"Is there something that I can post now that can’t wait until tomorrow?”.
Maybe I am just crying in the wilderness...but please...just wait. end quote
There are fair points by many people on both sides. We are so busy shouting we can't hear them.
Please just step back. The issues are important but they won't be adequately dealt with right now.
To change the font color, when you log in to Blogger go to the Template page. When I did that just recently it said something like "Hey, do you want to switch to using our new Layout editor? It's much easier to use and edit, we promise." It actually does make things easier to edit for those of us who don't speak html. Just remember to save the addresses you want to link to, since changing to the layout editor loses you all that. On the bright side it is relatively easy to add them back as long as you have them saved in something like Word or the Notepad.
David - you could make the text size larger in your browser which would be easier than having Susan change her font size.
As an aside, Susan, email me via my blog and we'll see if I can help you with font size. I've fussed and fussed with it on my blog because of elderly family.
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