So at 6:59:31 am this morning someone in Santa Ana, California logged onto "An Inch at a Time" and became the 250,000th visitor to this little started-on-a-whim blog.
The first post was in January 2006 -- a sermon for the New Year -- and since then there have been 1,230 additional posts ... on everything from the ups and downs of General Convention 2006 to multiple installments of "As the Anglican World Turns" to the All Saints Church vs. IRS saga to our February 2006 wedding to my son Jamie's deployment in Iraq ... and lots of things in between.
In March 2007 I added a "site meter" out of curiosity ... having absolutely no idea how many folks were dropping by ... and being utterly blown away by what a powerful tool for communication, connection and, yes, community, a blog can offer.
No, it's not The Huffington Post or even Titusonenine ... with contributors and elves, etc. It's just me with a bunch of unexpressed thoughts and some time to share them online with those interested enough to stop by from time to time.
A quarter of a million. Wow.
The first post was in January 2006 -- a sermon for the New Year -- and since then there have been 1,230 additional posts ... on everything from the ups and downs of General Convention 2006 to multiple installments of "As the Anglican World Turns" to the All Saints Church vs. IRS saga to our February 2006 wedding to my son Jamie's deployment in Iraq ... and lots of things in between.
In March 2007 I added a "site meter" out of curiosity ... having absolutely no idea how many folks were dropping by ... and being utterly blown away by what a powerful tool for communication, connection and, yes, community, a blog can offer.
No, it's not The Huffington Post or even Titusonenine ... with contributors and elves, etc. It's just me with a bunch of unexpressed thoughts and some time to share them online with those interested enough to stop by from time to time.
A quarter of a million. Wow.
Dear Rev. Russell:
Make that 250,001. When you check out your site meter, the hits from Lapeer, Michigan (well at least some of them) are from here.
We don't agree on much, although we do on some (war and IRS overreacing), but I still enjoy stopping here.
We're praying for an end to the wildfires in your area. BTW, isn't this a bit early for the fires?
Keep up the good work.
A sinner saved by God's Grace.
Jim from Michigan
I'm SO glad you don't aspire to be TitusOneNine.
- - Chris from Integrity Toronto
You are definitely the "go-to-girl" for the current state of affairs in the War on Anglican Terrorism.
Congratulations! And thanks for a great blog.
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