Fr. Geoff Farrow -- the courageous Roman Catholic priest who spoke out against Proposition 8 from the pulpit -- is paying a huge price for his witness.
From his blog yesterday:
I felt the need to speak, not for myself but, on behalf of those who have no one to speak for them in this matter in our Church. Personally, my life has been rather difficult since I made this statement as I knew it would be. I have no regrets since, it was my hope that this statement would lead to greater discussion of the treatment of gay and lesbian people in and by the Church. Also, it is my earnest hope that in some small way, this helps to preserve the civil rights of gay and lesbian persons which are currently under attack by the proponants of Propostion 8.Visit Fr. Geoff's blog and join me in offering words of support.
Thank youo, Susan, for posting Fr. Geoff's sermon ad the link to his blog with additional infomation on his situation. How sad! As a former RC, I am sooo glad that I "switched bishops" and joined the Episcopal Church. In the first half of my life that I spent in the very authoritarian and rigid RC Church, I experienced quite a few bishops and cardinal-archbishops who could best be considered in the same classification as the ofspring of a horse and a mule. Not that TEC is perfect, but at least we do not claim to be. I pray that Fr. Geoff is led by he Spirit, as I was, to also "switch bishops".
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