We are back home from a MOST Excellent Spring Break Weekend Away Adventure ... truly one of those grace-filled times when everything from the traffic to the weather to the dog-sitters functioned perfectly and a wonderful, restful, renewing time was had by all.
So now, as we settle back into our regularly scheduled life, it's time to play a little blog catch up.
First of all, here's the YouTube posting of Integrity's "Marching to Anaheim" video -- nine minutes of history and context for our GC09 Platform and Agenda ... along with an opportunity to contribute to same.
It was produced and directed by my brilliant partner, Louise and edited by our friend Vic ... and what an honor to be among so great a cloud of witnesses! Michael Hopkins, +Ed Browning, +Gene Robinson, Tracey Lind, Elizabeth Kaeton, +Tom Ely, Katie Sherrod, Cynthia Black ... well, I could go on and on.
So please do watch ... and consider a donation to our Anaheim Campaign ... so we can continue "Marching to Zion."
Second, a few words for those of you who are Integrity members -- (and you all SHOULD be Integrity members ... no time like the present to click here and join!) Anyway, members will have gotten notification that nominations are now open for the new 2009-2012 Integrity Board -- and so I have gotten several emails from folks asking if I'm running again and the answer is no ... couldn't even if I wanted to.
Having served a year as Director of Communications before my will-end-up-being-six-years-as-president, another term would exceed the 9-years-is-enough-for-anybody term limit our bylaws wisely include.
The GREAT news on that front is that I have today placed in nomination for President of Integrity the name of David Norgard -- a great friend, priest, pastor and advocate for justice with a resume too long to go into here. (And besides, it would only embarrass him if I went on and on, what with his being from Minnesota there-ya-know).
So now, as we settle back into our regularly scheduled life, it's time to play a little blog catch up.
First of all, here's the YouTube posting of Integrity's "Marching to Anaheim" video -- nine minutes of history and context for our GC09 Platform and Agenda ... along with an opportunity to contribute to same.
It was produced and directed by my brilliant partner, Louise and edited by our friend Vic ... and what an honor to be among so great a cloud of witnesses! Michael Hopkins, +Ed Browning, +Gene Robinson, Tracey Lind, Elizabeth Kaeton, +Tom Ely, Katie Sherrod, Cynthia Black ... well, I could go on and on.
So please do watch ... and consider a donation to our Anaheim Campaign ... so we can continue "Marching to Zion."
Second, a few words for those of you who are Integrity members -- (and you all SHOULD be Integrity members ... no time like the present to click here and join!) Anyway, members will have gotten notification that nominations are now open for the new 2009-2012 Integrity Board -- and so I have gotten several emails from folks asking if I'm running again and the answer is no ... couldn't even if I wanted to.
Having served a year as Director of Communications before my will-end-up-being-six-years-as-president, another term would exceed the 9-years-is-enough-for-anybody term limit our bylaws wisely include.

Suffice to say, I will never again have to hesitate for even a moment when someone asks me how I can be sure there's a God who answers prayers! David has been an answer to prayer for this Integrity Board as we've been blessed by his counsel and consultation -- and now his willingness to stand for election to lead and continue the work done by so many so faithfully over these 30+ years is grace upon grace.
Here endeth the "re-entry blog" -- more later, alligators!
I wholeheartedly add my seconds (and more) to this endorsement of David as the next President of Integrity.
and having served on the board for almost three years now, I add a hearty YEAH!!!!!!!!!!
David is a natural to follow Susan.
Susan, I'm glad you and Louise got a much needed break from the 'to-do' list. 'Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.' jeremiah 6:16
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