Here's a "thought for the day" on this Feast Day of the Annunciation for those who are waiting for us to "do the theology" before we move forward with the full inclusion of all the baptized in all the sacraments of the church:
"I'm so glad Mary didn't wait for the formulation of a Doctrine of the Incarnation before she said 'Yes' to God." -- The Reverend Canon J. Edwin Bacon
Indeed ;=)
Amen indeed!
Emily Hewitt and Suzanne Hiatt did the theology on women's ordination in a book that came out in time for Epiphany 1973. Do you think GC 1976 would have voted to ordain women to the priesthood without the Philadelphia 11 in 1975? And 33 years later we are still waiting for the Episcopal Church to live up to the promise of Resolution A-69 (GC 1976) that "homosexual persons have an equal claim with all other persons upon the ... acceptance ... of the church.
BTW, Emily and Suzanne's book is available online here.
Our dear Republican governor, James Douglas, has announced he will veto S115. I can't even put into words my disgust. Pray for us in Vermont that we can get enough votes to override his veto.
If it's a feast, what do you eat?
Gilded Swans.
Ha! Well said Bacon.
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