Here are photos -- MOSTLY thanks to phabulous photographer
Cam Sanders -- of last Sunday's Evensong at St. John's pro-Cathedral here in Los Angeles. A copy of Jim White's sermon is
available online here. Thanks to all who worked so hard on both the service and the reception. It was truly "most an amazing day" -- and I am deeply grateful.
FABULOUS. Nothing less than FABULOUS. Brava, Canon Russell. Brava and Bravo Diocese of LA. Well done all around.
Looks wonderful. Sorry to miss it!
And you, of course, looked fabulous! Good for you and good for the Diocese of LA. May your many gifts bless this church for years to come.
Gosh, the others here and elsewhere have already cried "Fabulous" and "Brava - Bravo -Bravi." I guess I'm left with "Alleluia!" Not a bad cry, that: "Alleluia!"
Robert waaaaay back in NH.
Even as my journey with God grows colder, news of yours warms my feeble heart.
Even as my journey with God grows colder, news of yours warms my feeble heart.
I can smell the incense... glorious! Congratulations, Canon!
Congratulations. You deserve the honor based on the principled stand you take on important issues. But please, show some respect for our Lord by vesting properly for the occasion! The appropriate vestiture for a canon is a purple cassock and cathedral style surplice with hood and tippet. And the preacher should have vested, too. I am a lay person who preaches from time to time, and when I do I wear cassock & surplice with my doctoral hood. I am well aware that in certain parts of England, and unfortunately in this country, some clergy are doing away with vestments, for whatever reason. You will not find a more vigorous advocate in the straight community for your cause than me. But please, Mother Susan, wear your vestments when you are in a liturgical setting!
Dear David ...
I appreciate your support and your passion, and ...
[1] I don't "do" the "Mother" thing (patriarchal/matriarchal clericalism is antithetical to my priesthood-of-all-believers theology of mininstry) and
[2] When I function liturgically I wear appropriate vestments. I was attending the service and receiving a plaque from the dean and bishop.
By virtue of our Baptism, we are all priests (with a small p). Ordination simply confers a different kind of priesthood, not priesthood, per se.
I will respect your preferred form of address - I prefer "David" to "Mr. Lynch".
BTW I employ a gay lawyer and a lesbian case manager in my law firm, and many of my clients are LGBT - even though I am ramrod straight in my own orientation - I support your community in a very tangible way - money in the pockets of employees and clients.
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