La Crescenta property returned to Diocese
All welcome for Service of Reconciliation and Renewal
Sunday, October 18, 2 p.m., Bishop Bruno presiding
St. Luke's of-the-Mountains Episcopal Church
2563 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta, California
All are welcome to join Bishop J. Jon Bruno and the people of St. Luke's of-the-Mountains Episcopal Church for this liturgy marking the continuation of Episcopal Church ministry on this historic site. Bishop Bruno led prayers inside the church sanctuary on Monday, October 12, opening the way for a new chapter in the congregation's 85-year history as part of the Diocese of Los Angeles.
All welcome for Service of Reconciliation and Renewal
Sunday, October 18, 2 p.m., Bishop Bruno presiding
St. Luke's of-the-Mountains Episcopal Church
2563 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta, California
All are welcome to join Bishop J. Jon Bruno and the people of St. Luke's of-the-Mountains Episcopal Church for this liturgy marking the continuation of Episcopal Church ministry on this historic site. Bishop Bruno led prayers inside the church sanctuary on Monday, October 12, opening the way for a new chapter in the congregation's 85-year history as part of the Diocese of Los Angeles.
Heh: asked, and received!
["God, could I please have a million dollars?" Maybe it's the time to ask! ;-p]
Now I'm sure not all will agree but, in appreciation of the new sign, I'm really not in favor of "message board" church signs. Y'know, because The Gospel really can't be dumbed down to fit in a pithy, eye-catching sound-bite? If you want to hear God's Word, you gotta come inside, hear the OT, Psalm, NT and Gospel, then hear a (non-literalist, I hope!) Episcopal preacher expound on it. TEC is not Christianity-Lite!
Mighty fine looking sign Susan!
And bless those who were responsible for getting it up there in a timely manner.
Those folks at St. Luke's are already blessed, having Bishop Bruno working with them.
And we should note that Paul the BB is now serving at what has all the earmarks of a "recovered" church.
Pray the the people who "watched to see who and how many showed up" will come to the Communion Table and not do weird stuff.
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