Yesterday a 52 page amicus brief was filed in support of marriage equality here in California by a great cloud of witness, including California Faith for Equality, the California Council of Churches and -- I am proud to say -- the Episcopal Bishops of California and Los Angeles.
Here's a quote from the brief ... I expect the text will be available online shortly:
Here's a quote from the brief ... I expect the text will be available online shortly:
"According equal marriage rights for all in our civil law threatens no one’s religious liberty. Allowing same-sex couples the legal right to marry threatens the religious liberty of Catholics, for example, no more than does allowing civilly divorced citizens to remarry in contravention of Catholic doctrine.Bravo! Well done! Amen!
Same-sex couples’ civil marriages threaten the religious liberty of those who oppose such unions in their churches and synagogues no more than interfaith marriages threaten the religious liberty of those who interpret their scripture and tradition to prohibit such unions. No one can force clergy of any denomination to solemnize any wedding that conflicts with his or her faith tradition, and no church, synagogue, or other place of worship loses its tax-exempt status for refusing religious rites of marriage to citizens possessing a civil right to marry.
Proposition 8 amounts to an unconstitutional codification of hostility toward loving relationships of gay men and lesbian women, yet does nothing at all to advance anyone’s religious liberty. Quite the contrary, religious freedom is diminished when government imposes the doctrines of some faith traditions on all. And humanity is diminished when anyone is deprived of a basic right."
Amen! I hope the courts are rational enough to find for marriage equality.
Excellent. Powerfull. Longer excerpt at Friends of Jake. This and the other briefs available at Prop8trialtracker.
So these Bishops are asking the courts to do something in contravention with TEC's own Canons? I thought that the workings of the General Convention were blessed by the Holy Spirit and were to be supported by the whole Church.
Or does that only go for things you agree with?
Ron ...
Ready, Set, REVIEW:
Church. State.
Civil. Sacred.
General Convention is actually ON record opposing legislation opposing same sex marriage (2006-A095) and supporting equal civil protections for gay and lesbian couples.
For Episcopal bishops to support equality in the civil arena has nothing to do with our marriage canons and everything to do with our baptismal covenant.
PS -- And we'll be working on getting the marriage canons fixed in 2012. Or 2015. Or as long as it takes.
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