It was the lead story on the morning shows on this Coming Out Day: GOP candidate for governor in New York Carl Paladino's unconscionable attack on gay and lesbian citizens in a speech on Sunday:
“I just think my children and your children would be much better off and much more successful getting married and raising a family, and I don’t want them brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option — it isn’t,”Here's my message to Carl Paladino:
“I just think my children and your children would be much better off and much more successful getting married and raising a family, and I don’t want them brainwashed into thinking that homophobia is an equally valid and successful option — it isn’t.”
It's liberty and justice for all -- not some. It's respect the dignity of every human being -- not just straight ones.
Today is National Coming Out Day. Use it to Come Out Against Homophobia and let Carl Paladino know that we will NOT stand silent while he contributes to the homophobic rhetoric that puts our LGBT youth at risk, dehumanizes LGBT people and devalues LGBT families.
Stand up. Speak out. Just say "No" to homophobia!
Stand up. Speak out. Just say "No" to homophobia!
In the 70's, we in Boston suffered thru the rants of Pixie Palladino who hated blacks. It would appear that (allowing for slight spelling variations) there is something hexed about the name.
Keep it up, maybe Paladino will open his heart and mind?
Living in upstate New York, last week a political operative called to ask if I would be voting for Paladino in November.
He did not understand "if pigs fly".
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