No, I don't need one more thing to be outraged about. I really don't. Not this week. .
But here it is..
I'd heard about this publication a week or so ago from Integrity's Albert Ogle -- but today someone forwarded me the link to a site with the photo and this summary of the feature:
The front-page newspaper story featured a list of Uganda's 100 "top" homosexuals, with a bright yellow banner across it that read: "Hang Them." Alongside their photos were the men's names and addresses.
That's right. And there on the front page ... the second face under the "hang them" banner -- is Bishop Christopher Senyonjo. An Anglican bishop who has lost everything for speaking out for the full humanity of LGBT people ... and now finds his life publicly threatened in a tabloid campaign inciting violence against "homos."
I do not have time to be outraged about one more thing. And I do not have the option not to be. Stay tuned for whatever action we come up with. But pray now for Bishop Christopher and his family -- in thanksgiving for his courageous witness and in petition for his safety and protection.
I am utterly beyond rage.
Meanwhile, Rowan Cantuar, keeping to his priorities, is calling the Archbishop of Canada on the carpet.
Lord have mercy.
Christ, DEFEND your LGBT children, all around the world!
Lord have mercy.
This is so beyond the pale, I can only imagine it will backfire.
Prayers for the 100 Homos, especially Bishop Christopher.
Is there anyway to send money to help with this horror?
Good question ... and the answer is yes.
Integrity USA is set up to receive donations for Integrity Uganda. You can contact Albert Ogle ... the Integrity VP for Nat'l & Internat'l affairs through the Integrity website:
Lord, bind satan and his workers, prevent all evil acts.
Is the news from Uganda unbelievable? I don’t think so.
Outrageous, obscene, sickening, yes.
But it is not at all unbelievable. This is the intended result of a decades-long campaign to export American homophobia to Africa on the part of well financed and politically powerful groups such as the “C” Street Family and the Anglican schismatics. It is never a surprise when the wealthy and powerful succeed in their mission.
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