ANYWAY ... while I'm working away on all this, in comes an "urgent" email from my congressional representative. (And aren't they ALL "urgent" the week before an election?)
Here's a copy of the urgent email: (if you can't read the jpg click here)

That's right. John Colbert ... the "Tea Party" congressional candidate here in Pasadena is using a stock photo of a woman cancer patient to baldface-lie about the record of incumbent Adam Schiff on healthcare.
Let me check ... I've pulled out my list of "Traditional Values" and I'm not finding LYING.
And I guess the only thing I'm surprised about at this point is that I can still be surprised. Shocked. Horrified. Appalled. Outraged.
But I can. And I am.
They all lie - they have a pass from God because is it what God wants them to do to get elected. Same thing with the schismopalians -they lie until they walk away with the stuff. Every single one of them -- oh no - I love TEC - I'm staying in TEC - until one morning you find the silver gone and they are gone.
okay- rant over
wv putoiu - ptui!
File it under "you don't have to worry about facts when you have sole possession of the Capital A ABSOLUTE Capital T TRUTH.
One of my savvier colleagues just reminded me that Adam is ahead in the polls and so this is an indication of how desperate the "other side" is.
Nevertheless ...
Brings to mind Schleiermacher's description of idolatry -- and monology. They've set up a false god and declared they possess the only truth, all others are wrong. What a lovely illustration for the EfM year 4 lesson this week!
Want to trade? I am cursed with Illinois politicians -- the best money can buy.
The metro papers in Chicago and St. Louis have detailed the collusion between the "two parties" designed to maintain the feeding trough in Springfield, the Feds have sent Tony Rescoe and soon our former governor to prison and no one cares.
I am completely out of outrage. Not at the conduct of the hogs but at the utter indifference of the voters.
My sister actually was denied the medication she needed, not by the government but by Health Net, despite the medical judgment of her doctor.
One year prior to a near fatal stroke, her premium was raised 65%. 111 days after being hospitalized, her policy was cancelled, but not before her nursing home coverage was illegally terminated and her needed medication was denied. An independent review decided in her favor. Between this and other wrongly denied claims we got more than $12,000 back from Health Net.
Luckily my sister lives in Washington state, which has a public option called WSHIP, providing insurance coverage and covering the same medication which Health Net had denied.
Under Health Net’s current CEO, whose 2008 compensation was $4,425,355.00, Health Net has been forced to pay over $300 million in fines, penalties and reimbursements for fraudulent practices.
I am so off-the-charts outraged by these lying family-values candidates-hypocrites who continue to defend, and get money from, an industry that profits not be providing health care, but by denying it.
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