News reports tonight tell of the execution of Saddam Hussein and of the mounting American casualty numbers ... last report 2996 dead in the line of duty. Iraqi dead and wounded? Beyond number at this point. And a communciation blackout keeps us from hearing from our loved ones in harm's way this night as predictions of escalating sectarian violence in response to Hussein's execution fill the air waves.
Peace on Earth seems ever so far away this Fifth Day of Christmas ... and yet, our prayers rise as incense into the bleak midwinter night ...
Eternal God, Creator of the universe, there is no God but You.
Great and wonderful are Your works, wondrous are your ways.
Thank You for the many splendoured variety of Your creation.
Thank You for the many ways we affirm Your presence and purpose,
and the freedom to do so.
Forgive our violation of Your creation.
Forgive our violence toward each other.
We stand in awe and gratitude for Your persistent love
for each and all of Your children:
Christian, Jew, Muslim, as well as those with other faiths.
Grant to all and our leaders attributes of the strong;
mutual respect in words and deed,
restraint in the exercise of power,
and the will for peace with justice, for all.
Eternal God, Creator of the universe, there is no God but You.
Iraq Peace Prayer from the World Council of Churches website
Got an email from Jamie today ... he heard about the execution from CNN while at the gym on base in Kirkuk ... he's "fine" and says "don't worry."
Yeah, right! Probably that's not going to happen but grand to hear from him anyway!
Thanks be to God that phone call. I know Jamie doesn't want you to worry but I also know you are his mother, so, as you say, Yeah, right!
It won't stop the worrying, but please know that you and Jamie are surrounded by prayers.
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