First of all, echoing Elizabeth Kaeton, Mad Priest and -- I'm sure a host of others I haven't wandered over to yet -- you must check out this MOST fabulous YouTube offering: "It's All Because (The Gays are Getting Married).
OK ... next over at The Hunter's Hodgepodge there's a piece about documentary film maker Douglas Hunter's new project -- which we're filming at All Saints Church. The whole "Super 8 Citizen" film project is such an interesting one and Douglas is a great guy ... am looking forward to seeing how this evolves and quite honored to be part of it!
In "Things Anglican" I appreciated the follow-up interview with the Archbishop of York posted (among other places) over at Walking With Integrity. Key quotes:
"As long as someone does not deny the very basic doctrines of the Church - the creation, the death, the resurrection of Christ and human beings being made in the image of God - then the rest really helps but they are not the core message."
"And I haven’t found that in Ecusa or in Canada, where I was recently, they have any doubts in their understanding of God which is very different from anybody. What they have quarrelled about is the nature of sexual ethics."
It seems increasingly clear that while there will continue to be deep differences between us the willingness to come to the table in spite of them is emerging as the deepest desire of those committed to historic Anglicanism rather than hysteric Schismism.
In entertainment news (we ARE in L.A., after all -- where the lead news stories on the local 11:00 news last night were Nicole Richie going to jail and Zsa Zsa Gabor's husband being found naked in his Mercedes!) there seem to be will-she/won't-she reports about whether or not Whoopi Goldberg will replace Rosie on The View. Why do I care? Not sure I really do ... but I seem to be following the story anyway. Go figure!
In "local news" it will be a great treat for us to welcome back to All Saints Church on Sunday the VERY Reverend Scott Richardson -- Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral in San Diego. Scott is a not only a great priest and preacher he's an OLD friend ... we go back to before-either-of-us-went-to-seminary days when I was a parish secretary and he was the day school P.E. teacher/youth group leader and my now 25-year old helicopter crew chief was in Scott's pre-school sermon-time-activity group on Sunday mornings! Here we are when I preached down in San Diego a while back:

Welcome back to All Saints, Scott! Our loss was San Diego's gain!
And now, back to laundry-land. TGIF!
1 comment:
Dang! I no sooner reconnect with an old (gay) friend of mine, who recently became the pastor of a Unity congregation near Seattle, when my computer died a violent death, our front door lock broke, and our VCR committed hari kiri by eating one of our tapes. It must be the gays!
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