In the "things Anglican" department:

The proposed Anglican Covenant continues to make news. Fr. Jake is reporting on Ruth Gledhill reporting (and where Ruth is concerned I use the word loosely!) on THE GAY EXPULSION PLAN. Check it out and see what you think.
Episcopal Cafe notes "Conservatives and liberals unexpectedly united in the Church of England's General Synod today to reject a policy formulated by the church's bishops under which gay clergy could enter civil partnerships if they promised not to have sex. " My, my, my!
The Episcopal Cafe folks are also offering an excellent interview with Nigerian activist Davis MacIyalla -- very well done.
And in the "I wondered how long it would take them to jump on this one" category, the boys over at Stand Firm are reporting on my participation in Saturday's Alexander-Lipsey wedding under the title The Very Picture of Compliance. Hard to believe they are still beating the "Comply With The Windsor Report Or Else" dead horse after all this time ... must be a slow news day.
Meanwhile over at the White House:

The Financial Times reports "George W. Bush is not contemplating a change of strategy in Iraq, in spite of intensifying bipartisan pressure on the president to start reducing US troop numbers in the country ..."
Bloomberg is reporting "President George W. Bush ordered two former aides not to answer questions from Congress about the firings of eight U.S. attorneys."
More later ... maybe! (And I do still intend to blog about our NYC/Listening Process meetings week before last ... soon ... honest ... really!)
Interesting how Bush only cares about what "the people" think when it comes to issues like homosexuality (i.e., voting on whether GLBT people will have equality or not). The will of the people means nothing to him when it comes to war. His hypocrisy is so transparent it would be laughable, if it weren't so frightening.
you have to catch up on the latest about your idol E. kaeton who wrote the following about a mother who happens to be making sacrifices to raise children:
"I swear to God, one of these days you are going to read about this woman loading herself and her six kids in her mini van and driving them all into a nearby lake. Or, drowning them, one by one, in the bathtub and then lining their lifeless little bodies in a perfect row on their perfectly made beds in their perfect suburban home."
chek it out in stnd firm
If Elizabeth said it, why would we go through the distortion barrier at Stand Firm -- we'd ask her, as she has some degree of integrity.
Why push President Bush to change his strategy before we see if the currently just-initiated change in strategy is going to work?
Ron -- I saw a documentary last night and thought of your comment here. I'd like to recommend it to you if you have time to see it. It was called "No End in Sight" and is about the Administrations disastrous policies with regard to the Iraq war. It was eye-opening and very, very sad.
Susan+, you might want to see it, too. I was thinking about your son, too, while watching it, and continue to pray that he will be held out of harm's way.
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