ANYWAY the season ended with a touching tribute to Kathy's dad, John Griffin, who died in February: an Irish pub toast and a scattering of his ashes in "the old country."
She's done a great job of lampooning the very celebrity she is unabashedly seeking ... not to mention being an outspoken advocate for equality for LGBT folk.
So here's to ya, Kathy ... may your dad rest in peace and rise in glory, good luck with the Emmy thing and long may you make us laugh!
So here's the OTHER thing ...
... I've never aspired to be on ANYBODY'S list (well, Santa's when I was 5!) and I certainly can't imagine what it must be like to be on the A, B, C or D kind of list Kathy Griffin talks about. But it seems that there is a list I've managed to get on ...
... the AAC list!
Yes ... it's not the D-List and there's certainly no Emmy involved but the AAC (American Anglican Council) ... the very people who scripted, produced and are now directing the long-running "As The Anglican Schism Turns" have their own "list" ... issued by their "Office of Communique Compliance" they have just issued "Report No. 4" ...
... and I'm in it!
I made the "AAC List" for participating in the blessing of the union of John Alexander and John Lipsey on July 7th.
First of all, I'd like to say what an honor it is to just be nominated.
I want to thank the Academy ... I mean the AAC ... for including me along with such luminaries as Bishop Gene Robinson for allowing the clergy of his diocese to make their own decisions about the blessing of soon-to-be legal civil unions in New Hampshire ...
Dr. Horace Griffin for likening gay rights to the struggles of slavery, segregation and women's equality and ...
Bishop Sergio Carranza for riding in the L.A. Gay Pride Parade. (Note to "the compliance office" ... this is actually pretty old news: we've had a bishop in the parade for years ... sorry you missed +Jon and Mary Bruno the year we had a float -- I've got pictures I'd love to share!)
I know my time is running out but I'd also like to thank my parents for raising me to believe that "liberty and justice for all" really means ALL, my congregation for continuing in the struggle to turn the human race into the human family, my partner for her unflagging love and support and finally the American Anglican Council -- for continuing to demonstrate to the Church and to the Communion that the only unity they will recognize is uniformity with their narrow, exclusionist agenda and that as capitulation to that agenda is their sole criterion for communion continued good will efforts to find compromise or common ground are -- sadly -- useless.
In closing, my nominee for the next AAC List is the Archbishop of York -- surely his statement this week ... ""As long as someone does not deny the very basic doctrines of the Church - the creation, the death, the resurrection of Christ and human beings being made in the image of God - then the rest really helps but they are not the core message" ... is worthy of consideration.
Thank you. And Good Night!
Well said suzan. Thank you for being open, honest and above all welcoming to ALL in the church.
In addition to being a living Saint, Susan Russell, you're a HOOT ! ! (Hope ya win ! ! !)
Brant Wiley
Many congratulations on this great honor. It's a proud day for you.
Do you get a little trophy, because that would be cool.
Gosh...just think...now I can say that I knew you before you became so hot and famous! Way to go, Susan!It is indeed a privilege and honor to know you!
Congratulations! I am green with envy. I cannot even get into John B's conspiracy theory and you make the A list!
Congrats again!
Touché and congrats.
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