Instead, here's a quick round of "Game Du Jour" for a Monday afternoon!

"Hang in there with us. We're going to get this right." -- Great quote from the ENS article describing House of Deputies President Bonnie Anderson's visit to Episcopalians in the Diocese of Rio Grande.
And how lucky are WE to have Bonnie Anderson out there leading this church?
This note on the Titusonenine post of Ed's sermon from yesterday calling for an investigation into impeachment for the Vice President: We're turning comments off on this one. Busy day and no time for the elves to keep an eye on them. Sorry.
Hmmmm ...
Scooter Libby To Do Less Time Than Paris Hilton
President Bush spared former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby from a 2 1/2-year prison term on Monday, issuing an order that commutes his sentence.
Maybe he's practicing up for the day when he's going to have to commute a sentence for the Vice President!
And finally ...
[London] A senior Church of England bishop says the floods that have caused widespread damage in the UK are the result of God's wrath on a permissive society that endorses gay rights.
My, my, my does he explain the lovely weather in New Hampshire this week then, I'm wondering?
Susan, just to explain why we turned off comments on the T19 post re: Ed's sermon. I feared it might cause a rash of very intemperate comments, and with Kendall travelling, and this elf having to be offline for long periods earlier today, it seemed unwise to open comments.
Thanks for posting the news.
And Happy 4th of July!
Thanks, elfgirl ... nothing like a rash of intemperate comments to take up a moderator's time!
Happy 4th back at'cha ...
Re: Scooter Libby; I've always been a "do the crime, do the time" type of guy. On the face of it, this looks like a favor for a friend to me. I haven't looked into it in depth, I must confess.
How do bishops like Dow get to be bishops with understandings like this? For that matter, how does Dubyah get to be president?.... God does have a tolerance for the ridculous
I find it disgusting that Geo. W Bush's mercy begins and ends with his cronies. I can't help but remember that he scoffed at a repentant, fellow Christian, Carla Faye Tucker as he sent her to the Texas death chamber. It really is no wonder that people have a hard time taking us Christians seriously. -- Matt
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