All Saints Church stands with inclusion allies across the country celebrating today’s landmark decision repealing “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.”
“We applaud the US Senate in this dramatic reversal of structural discrimination against LGBT persons serving in the military,” said the Reverend Ed Bacon, Rector of All Saints Church. “Nothing expresses the spirit of Christmas more than this and other acts of justice, peace and inclusion.”
“I was delighted to hear Senator Joe Lieberman quoting Dr. King in his remarks from Washington today,” Bacon continued. “At All Saints Church we are committed to being part of the process of bending that arc of the moral universe toward justice and celebrate that today justice was done in the Senate.”
The Reverend Susan Russell, a senior associate at All Saints Church and a member of the HRC (Human Rights Campaign) Religion Council said, “Today was a victory of honesty over homophobia. As an equal rights activist I am thrilled that the long standing “wrong” of DADT has been righted. And as a military mom I’m equally thrilled that the way has been cleared for my son to have the best possible colleagues serving alongside him without regard to their sexual orientation.”
“In this season of Advent 2010 we celebrate not only the coming of Christmas next week but the arrival today another step forward on realizing the American dream of liberty and justice for all.”
For further comment or more information, contact:
The Reverend Susan Russell
Senior Associate for Communications
714-356-5718 – mobile
All Saints Church 132 North Euclid Avenue Pasadena CA 91001 info@allsaints-pas.org
I'm glad DADT is repealed, but stop calling it homophobia. Discrimination? Yes. But because someone doesn't agree with lifestyle choices doesn't mean that they are homophobic, or that they are "bad".
as a military mom I’m equally thrilled that the way has been cleared for my son to have the best possible colleagues serving alongside him without regard to their sexual orientation
Susan, I thought about you---thinking about Jamie---for just this reason. Merry Christmas! :-D
[MartinT, STFU---SRSLY! >:-(]
JCF, you can't silence truth. You can silence people but you can NEVER silence truth. You keep that in mind.
Martin T., the proponents of DADT consistently cite two fears. 1. Gays in the military will assault their straight colleagues while engaged in combat because they cannot control their sexual urges, the Trent Lott-gays are like kleptomaniacs theory. 2. Gays will be recruiting in the showers and dorms until the American armed forces are entirely gay, the Bryan Fischer-Hitler’s Storm troopers and Brown shirts were homosexuals theory.
The claims are hateful nonsensical lies, based on fears that are irrational. That’s homophobia defined. That’s the truth.
Thanks, "uffda"! Better answer than mine was going to be:
I'll stop calling it homophobia when the homophobia stops!
Mark ... sorry. If we're taking our baptismal covenant seriously, then nobody is "unworthy of the slightest sign of respect from any full human being." Comment deleted.
Merry Christmas
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