Frustrated by the DADT delay? Join me in taking the advice of my friend Rabbi Denise Eger:
So time is running out. The Senate is delaying the passage of the military authorization bill that contains the provision for repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. There are enough votes to repeal it. Including Republicans like Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts. But the Senate has really arcane rules that empower a single Senator to hold up vital legislation.I JUST CALLED McCAIN’S ARIZONA OFFICE AND USED MY “MILITARY MOM” CREDENTIALS TO SAY HIS BLOCKING THIS BILL IS A SHOCKING ABDICATION OF HIS RESPONSIBILITY TO SUPPORT ALL OUR MEN & WOMEN IN UNIFORM.
In our case of DADT it is Senator John McCain. Curmudgeonly McCain. Sore loser to President Obama and flip-flopper of giant proportions. Even his wife is for gay marriage. And took a NoH8 picture! Sen Susan Collins of Maine will vote for it but is being made the one to try and negotiate a deal on behalf of Republicans. Shame on you Susan. Do the right thing.
Sen. McCain take your homophobia back. Be the maverick that you claim you are not a Negative NayBob!. Lead don’t obfuscate. Sen. McCain has evidently has little else to hold on to but his homophobia. His position isn’t rational. Because he keeps trying to move the deadline, change the criteria needed for repeal.
McCain is holding our armed forces hostage to his homophobia.
Call. Call every day. Put his number on Redial. Call his Arizona offices (602) 952-2410 . Call his Washington Offices (202)224-2235. Pummel his phone lines. And those of the Republican Senatorial Leadership that are supporting this negativity tactic and running down the clock on this term.
Too late to call as the vote to not even have a discussion has failed! What a disgrace.
There was a time when John McCain was a person of integrity.
That time has past.
He sold his soul to the fascists of the religious right in order to become the Republican nominee in 2008.
Can we talk about President Obama's Homophobia..instead of McCain's?.
In addition to Homophobia, Obama has Leader-phobia...seems he desperately wants Bill Clinton to take the reins....
He even said..."Michelle has been waiting for me for 30 minutes...I gotta go! but, I'm leaving you in good hands..."
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