From today's statement by the Reverend Jesse Jackson, in support of marriage equality:
"We stand together today as equal members of the human family…. as consistent principled advocates for human rights for all people. We stand together today to uphold the principles of due process, of equal protection under the law, of fighting against discrimination against any and all people based on race, religion, gender or sexual orientation," Rev. Jackson said. "We stand with you today to support Marriage Equality, and to declare that Proposition 8 must be struck down as unconstitutional."
Rev. Jackson went on to tie the struggle of the civil rights movement in the 1960s to the struggle faced by many today in achieving marriage equality. Yes, they are two different narratives, but both carry with them a central tenet of unjust discrimination toward a minority population.
"To those that believe in and fought for civil rights, that marched to end discrimination and win equality, you must not become that which you hated. It’s past time to exist in hypocrisy and ignorance, and time to come out of the shadows and darkness to support unequivocally, equality for all people," Rev. Jackson said. "Those that support civil and human rights cannot, must not, become perpetrators of discrimination against others based upon race, religion, culture, sexual orientation."
For many of us...Rev. Jesse Jackson carries exactly no weight at all in his opinions his morals, his judgments, his advice.... in fact he carries a negative value. He does not speak for the American Black community or the African Community on the issue of same gender 'marriage'. Most disagree with him and do not equate same sex marriage with civil rights at all and in fact are insulted by the comparison...that includes President Barak Obama.
Bless your heart. Think we've been over this a time or two ... dozen. But here are but a few quotes from a few other civil rights leaders on the issue of marriage equality.
Is the African American community of one mind on LGBT equality? Nope. But it is an utter fiction that it is monolithically opposed.
For example:
"I still hear people say that I should not be talking about the rights of lesbian and gay people and I should stick to the issue of racial justice... But I hasten to remind them that Martin Luther King, Jr., said, 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere' ... I appeal to everyone who believes in Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream to make room at the table of brotherhood and sisterhood for lesbian and gay people. Gay and lesbian people have families, and their families should have legal protection, whether by marriage or civil union. A constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages is a form of gay bashing, and it would do nothing at all to protect traditional marriages." – Coretta Scott King
“When I am asked, 'Are gay rights civil rights?' my answer is always, 'Of course they are.'”Rights for gays and lesbians are not 'special rights' in any way. It isn't "special" to be free from discrimination -- that's an ordinary, universal entitlement of citizenship. No parallels between movements for rights is exact. African-Americans are the only Americans who were enslaved for more than two centuries, and people of color carry the badge of who we are on our faces. But we are far from the only people suffering discrimination -- sadly, so do many others. They deserve the law's protection and they deserve civil rights too. Sexual disposition parallels race -- I was born black and I had no choice. I couldn't and wouldn't change if I could. Like race, our sexuality isn't a preference -- it is immutable, unchangeable, and the Constitution protects us against prejudices based on immutable differences." – Julian Bond, NAACP
“At the center of this issue is the right to choose how individuals live their lives. Freedom of choice is essential and critical to our democratic ideals, and also a core component of the Christian faith. At no time should any tax paying citizen be denied the constitutional right to freedom. The issue of Marriage Equality needs to framed as a right to freedom, justice and equality, the right to pursue life, liberty and happiness. Jesus asked that we love our neighbors as we love ourselves. This is our opportunity to follow in His footsteps and show the true power of His words.” – The Reverend Dr. Eric Lee, SCLC
LGBT community are granted all human rights that any one else has.... we don't need special laws for them. The laws that protect human beings in a Democratic Society apply to all.[except the unborn child].
The only thing LGBT community does not have is Marriage as defined by the Bible [and ALL other Faiths].
Why so adamant about trampling God's Word?
Calling it Marriage will never gain you approval, which is what you are after. Those called Righteous through Faith, strongly disapprove.
It's wrong to teach young people that they could marry someone of their own sex and there will be no dire consequences, because there will be. You're selling a lie and setting them up for a fall.
"[T]he job of the gay community is not to deal with extremists who would castigate us or put us on an island and drop an H-bomb on us. The fact of the matter is that there is a small percentage of people in America who understand the true nature of the homosexual community. There is another small percentage who will never understand us. Our job is not to get those people who dislike us to love us. Nor was our aim in the civil rights movement to get prejudiced white people to love us. Our aim was to try to create the kind of America, legislatively, morally, and psychologically, such that even though some whites continued to hate us, they could not openly manifest that hate. That's our job today: to control the extent to which people can publicly manifest antigay sentiment."
--Bayard Rustin; From Montgomery to Stonewall
"I believe all Americans, no matter their race, no matter their sex, no matter their sexual orientation, should have that same freedom to marry. Government has no business imposing some people's religious beliefs over others. Especially if it denies people's civil rights."
- Mildred Loving.
Dictionary definition:
civil rights (plural noun)
the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality.
Sigh. LGM, Like it or not, marriage is a CIVIL contract. Religion has nothing to do with this case. You don't have to believe in God to get married. In fact you can go to Las Vegas and in a drunken stupor, marry the parking valet.
We are talking about CIVIL rights: including the right to CIVILLY marry the person of your choice.
Of course, you will never get this, never agree. Indeed, you advocate a theocracy.
I remain puzzled why you come to a blog of a lesbian priest, just to drop, as the expressing goes, a turd in the punchbowl and insult our hostess and the other guests.
Ironically, given the number of Fundiegelicals who praise them, it was the Puritans who demanded that marriage become a solely civil contract.
Jesse Jackson is a hustler and shake-down artiste. Same with Sharpton and Farrakhan; any group which depends on clergy for leadership is in a clearly disastrous position.
I remain puzzled why you come to a blog of a lesbian priest, just to drop, as the expressing goes, a turd in the punchbowl and insult our hostess and the other guests.
It's a form of human sacrifice to their demon-king god.
The "Progressive" community tiptoed around non-whites' and gays mutual distrust for years; now it's come back to embarrass them.
Seriously, why do people never quote secular african-americans? Why all the "Revs" and "Imams" and "Doctors"-in theology and education?
Why don't you quote scientists and medical people?
I'm sorry. I missed the insult. Where exactly in LG's words are the "insults"?
Why should anyone find the words of a person who is self-righteous (“Those called Righteous through Faith, strongly disapprove.”) and incorrect on the facts (“Calling it Marriage will never gain you approval, which is what you are after.”) insulting? Why would accusing the blog moderator of “selling a lie” be considered insulting? Why would attacking the messenger, Jesse Jackson, rather than offering proof disputing his message, be considered insulting? Why would putting the word “marriage” in quotes as it applies to gay persons be an insult? This is simply the “new normal” for American discourse.
Those who insist on expressing their disapproval here on a regular basis have proven over and over again their disinterest in critical thinking, as well as the facts about the Bible and science, so attempting to dissuade them from their homophobic talking points is clearly futile. I’m sure that some flat-earthers still reject the Apollo 11 photographs of a round earth so I’m also sure that even a cross-examination of the writer(s) of Leviticus by Ted Olson and David Boies probably wouldn’t be enough for some of the visitors here.
Are you sure you want to sweep away fundamental Truth that God set up since Creation?
Marriage is between 1 Man and 1 Woman.
It's not a Religeous Belief... it's The Truth.
Susan, would you prefer that I stop posting? How about any one else there at Inch at a Time.?.. seems to me you get much more 'action' when the Fundamentalist Bible Believers contribute... but if you want Same & Boring.. let me know...-- thanks. Leslie M.
The reason I post, is so that you can keep up with a Christian's viewpoint... just in case you might be interested one day...
And I'm an atheist who believes that more idiocy has been done by these "Reverends" and "Imams" and "Reverend Doctors" and "Bishops" than any other group.
Why should I take any of what these people say seriously?
If it's provable without religion or theology, say so. If that's the case, why the constant parade of "spiritual leaders" to impress us?
If this case can't be made without the help of religion, then it's an intrusion of religion into politics.
You can't have it both ways.
And I couldn't care less if people married something they picked up in the produce section.
If it doesn't cost me money or interfere with my life, I don't care.
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