The nation’s first openly gay Episcopal bishop told a crowd of about 200 that come June he’s marching down the aisle with his longtime male partner Mark Andrew. "I always wanted to be a June bride," said Bishop Gene Robinson at a talk on Nov. 27 at Nova Southeastern University.
"It may take many years for religious institutions to add their blessing for same-sex marriages and no church, mosque or synagogue should be forced to do so. But that should not slow down progress for the full civil right to marry," Robinson said. "Because New Hampshire will have legal unions beginning in January, my partner of 20 years and I will enter into such a legal union next June."
I wonder if they would like some folk music for the event? ;-) I would donate it, and I am actually rather good.
Mosel Tov +Gene and Mark. May you live in love and come to joy.
Interesting phrase, "marching down the aisle." I'm curious to know; marching down the aisle of what? The village hall or courthouse? Or a TEC parish?
He is the bishop. I would expect the centre aisle of the cathedral.
Yikes. The Other Side has gone bonkers over +VGR's "June bride" bit of camp. Sheesh. They don't get it. They just don't get it.
It is a well known fact that conservatives do not have a sense of humor.
Even though I favor women's ordination, one can look back to the 70s and remember that same tired tactic: that no one will be forced to ordain or recognize women in ordained ministry. Now it's that no one will be forced to agree with SSBs. The falsehood of that argument is seen in how 30+ years later TEC abominates anything that doesn't recognize WO. So, please, Bishop Robinson, don't start that tactic. We KNOW what the goal is: for now, have certain high tower liberal parishes lead the way in SSBs. Etch a small piece in a Prayer Book Revision. Then 30 years later stomp on the throats of anyone who questions the validity of SSBs. Been there and didn't even get the T-Shirt.
Bravo Allen - where will this all end? Why should it stop with homosexuality?
IT - there is nothing funny about this (fe)man, (s)he is simply sick.
Wayne - What is there to "get"?
And another word:
The more that I see the questionable tactics (banking on short memories) by certain advocates of the gay agenda I only pray for the time to be shed of each other once and for all. Right now we're all spiraling into irrelevance in the eyes of the world. Notwithstanding the heights of All Saints Church,et al the reality in MOST of the Church is that the average Sunday attendance has plummetted to about 70 in MOST parishes - notwithstanding the progresive metropolitan pockets. The radical welcome in New Hampshire isn't working...like MOST places in the Church. The gay agenda has way overstepped its viability in MOST of the Church. How much more will be sacrificed on the altar of self and ego I don't know - but most people aren't sticking around for it. General Convention CAN do its will under pressure, but if there is little left of the Church as a result, what has been gained? Are we ready to read in a decade that the average attendance is now down to 50? Notwithstanding the heights of All Saints Church, that is not acceptable.
the only sickness, Brian, is bigotry and bile masquerading as Christian love.
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