They are:
The Rev. Jane S. Gould, Priest-in-Charge / Rector, St. Stephen’s Memorial Episcopal Church, Lynn, Mass.
The Rev. Jeffrey D. Lee, Rector, St. Thomas Church, Medina, Wash.
The Very Rev. Tracey Lind, Dean, Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, Ohio
The Rev. Margaret R. Rose, Director of Women's Ministries, The Episcopal Church
The Rev. Timothy B. Safford, Rector, Christ Church, Philadelphia
And here is the Integrity Press Release sent out regarding the Chicago announement:

Integrity Responds to List of Candidates for Bishop of Chicago
“The big news today is that discernment has trumped discrimination in the Diocese of Chicago,” said Integrity President Susan Russell. “The inclusion of the Very Rev. Tracey Lind on the list of five extraordinarily qualified candidates for Bishop of Chicago is a bold step forward and a sign of hope and encouragement not only to LGBT Episcopalians but to the whole church. Her experience and leadership make her an excellent candidate and Integrity applauds the Diocese of Chicago for not allowing the forces advocating bigotry over ability to dominate their nomination process.
It is long past time for the Episcopal Church to acknowledge that B033 -- the 2006 resolution designed to prevent the election of a gay or lesbian bishop – has failed in its attempt to balance the unity of the Anglican Communion on the backs of the LGBT faithful. There is no turning back on the full inclusion of the baptized into the Body of Christ – only moving forward into God’s future as an Episcopal Church committed to mission and ministry, to unity in diversity.
Integrity extends congratulations to all the candidates, any one of whom will make a fine bishop for the Episcopal Church. The Diocese of Chicago’s diverse list of qualified candidates is a sign of the end the ‘season of fasting’ at the expense of the vocations of gays and lesbians in the Episcopal Church and the whole church should rejoice and be glad in that!
(The Reverend) Susan Russell, President
I can't help but think that this is not a good thing.
I'm afraid it's only going to make matters in New Orleans more complicated since it will only add to the tension.
OR it is going to give the bishops the backbones they need to continue to do the right thing like they did at Camp Allen.
I believe the timing couldn't be better!
The timing on this announcement of candidates couldn't be better! Remember, BO33 was NOT the mind of the church. It was a fear based political ploy. Aren't we all tired of Gene Robinson being the scapegoat for homophobia in this church? I sure am. And I hope the HOB and ABC will listen up to this loud, clear, and very well timed message!
Wow-thanks for the news! I was a member of Christ Church Philadelphia several years ago (before moving away) and really liked Tim Safford. Not sure how he would do as a bishop, but he's "good people" as they say.
The real surprise for me is The Very Rev. Tracey Lind. She removed her name from consideration for Bishop of Newark, and gave a wonderful sermon about how much she loves being in Cleveland, loves serving in her native Ohio, loves being a Buckeye. What a difference a year makes, huh? But Tracey would make a fantastic bishop, and I wish her well.
I am actually somewhat familiar with Rev. Gould. When she was the head of the Lutheran Episcopal Ministry at MIT, she sent out newsletters of what was going on to (apparently) all alumni who had listed themselves as one or the other. But I shall have to read up more on her background and on all the others before I decide which I will vote for, so I thank you for the links.
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