Keeping it in the family
The Anglican Communion is fractured beyond repair, but it could flourish as the ‘Anglican Family’, argues Robin Gill in the August 17th edition of THE CHURCH TIMES:
The Anglican Communion is fractured beyond repair, but it could flourish as the ‘Anglican Family’, argues Robin Gill in the August 17th edition of THE CHURCH TIMES:
We need not strive for conformity. We can be free to explore shared convictions with like-minded family members around the world, without denigrating other members who do not share these convictions. The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee has wisely done this for years.
As a post-colonial Church, the Anglican Family would learn to move beyond power and authority — no more Lambeth Resolutions or Windsor Process. Instead, we might discover the joys of sharing and learning from different members of the same family. We might even rekindle some of the genuine family affection that I have seen so often in my travels. Be not afraid. We can indeed flourish as the Anglican Family.
I guess during the Civil War, Episcopalians remained united and the Baptists didn't, but repudiation of slavery was taking a higher ground than the mere affirmation of unity. Repudiating the slavery of homosexual practice is the higher ground now.
Susan, thanks so much for this! What a breath of fresh air. It's worth clicking on the link and reading the article in full.
My brother and his family are not particularly comfortable that I am gay. On the other hand they never have rejected me or my partner from the family dinner table, or refused to speak to us, and we are all perfectly civil at the family reunions.
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