A decidely amateur slideshow of bits and pieces of the journey from Maunday Thursday's Footwashing through today's 1:00 p.m. Missa Bilingual @ All Saints Church.
It has been a grand a glorious celebration -- from beginning to end -- and while it totally "takes a village" this year we built it and they DEFINITELY came ... our overflow seating had overflow!
So now we're off to Easter Dinner with friends -- and a day off tomorrow! Hope your celebration of Easter Day was equally full of love and light and joy and beauty: The Lord is risen, indeed! Alleulia, Alleluia!
Enjoy!!! (And Happy Easter -- with photo credit thanks to Louise Brooks and Jm White!)
lovely photos of God's people. i especially liked the one with the city hall lit at night. it's great to realize that we are all stretched across the nation and yet all partaking of the same liturgy as the body of Christ. thanks.
Sue Roediger Sun, 12 Apr at 4:42pm via email
I am a great believer in the power of “collective intention” or “prayer” or what ever you call it. The majesty of Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday is (in my humble opinion) that gathering of “the people” and the allignment of their will and effort.
The light slowly coming into the dark church – the soulful violin – the quiet building up to the bright and joyful shout of alleula – And today’s crecendo of drums and brass – - – well it’s an experience, an emotion, that fills a person up and will stay with me for (I hope) a long time. Thanks to you and all the group leaders for all your support on our "journey” ! !
So All Saints actually has a thurible and actually uses it? May God bless All Saints with the most abundant grace possible upon every swing of the thurible! Let us not forget Malachai 1:11 "And in EVERY place, incense SHALL be offered unto my name."
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