And SHE totally rocks ...
"With eyes firmly fixed on the future, and in the spirit of unity with the goal of victory, with faith in our party and our country, let's declare together with one voice right here, right now that Barack Obama is our candidate and he will be our president."
And how thrilled am I to be home on vacation watching it all unfold live on CNN! History made right in front of me ...
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a good thing.
I think Bill Clinton's speech was excellent. But, I wonder whose bright idea the next song was??? "Addicted to Love?!"
Anna... I was chuckling at "Chain of Fools" right before the amazing clinton speech. Gads, that guy just rocks when he talks!
So many people make such a big deal of Barack's racial background. I don't get it. Why not just say he's highly qualified to be President, and leave race out of it?
CNN didn't show ALL of it unfolding... they blathered right through Kerry's attacks on McCain... CSPAN is where it's at! :)
Because, davidjustinlynch, just twenty years ago, a person of his high qualifications wouldn't have been able to get even half this far. Declining to ignore his race is declining to ignore our past, both the progress we've made as well as the progress still to come.
Having now seen the "big" speech, it's amazing how Obama can claim to repudiate the politics of the past when he spent 20 minutes embracing the old, failed big-government socialist politics of the last 50 years. The equation is simple: more government equals less freedom. Or, to paraphrase Ben Franklin, those who give up liberty to gain security deserve neither and will lose both.
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