As the dust continues to settle from General Convention 2009, it's time to start thanking all those who made our extraordinary work and witness possible. Or at least beginning to find words that are going to fall WAY short of adequately expressing gratitude appropriate for the sacrificial giving of time, talent and SLEEP toward the goal of (stop me if you've heard this one before!) "the full inclusion of all the baptized in all the sacraments."
If I start trying to call out everybody by name we’ll be here until it’s time to pack for Indianapolis, but let me “call out by title” the following – at least for a start:
Our fabulous staff – Executive Director, Project Manager and Field Organizer – who worked so long and hard on details ahead of Anaheim that it seemed there would be nothing left to worry about when we got there … and then miraculously managed to come up around all the things that it turned out were there to worry about when we got there!
The “always there for us” Nerve Center team – ready with whatever we needed as soon as we needed it … whether it was copies of resolutions or links to news reports or updates on the whereabouts of MIA team members. We couldn’t possibly have done what we did “out front” without your diligence in “Integrity Central.”
Our amazingly diverse and welcoming Booth Team … ready to greet visitors with a smile and a brochure; to pin on a button and to offer a shoulder; with an ear to listen and a heart to empathize. Your “front line” connections have sown seeds that will bear much fruit in the weeks and months ahead. You were for MANY “the face of Integrity” and you did us all VERY proud!
Then there was our crack Legislative Team … managing the details of committee meetings, open hearings, legislative tracking and the concur/amend/adopt/refer processes like veteran political wonks. In collaboration with our amazingly affable floor manager and working in miraculous collegiality with justice allies throughout the church, your work will have impact on how TEC puts its faith into action for years to come.
And then there’s our cutting edge Communication Team. Under the direction of our Media Maven Communication Director, we were on message, on deadline and on more communication mediums than you can shake a stick at. Whether Tweeting, YouTubing, IntegriTVing, Facebooking, Blogging, Press Releasing or just plain schmoozing, Integrity’s message has never been more persuasive OR pervasive.
And then there were our Chaplains. Some were there for the duration and some were doing "per diem" duty -- but all were there with a powerful, prayerful supportive witness that helped us navigate the sometimes choppy waters of ANY General Convention.
Finally, a special "shout out" to ALL who helped make this year's Integrity Eucharist such a memorable celebration of the ministry of ALL the baptized! From the liturgy planning team to the musicians, acolytes, ushers, eucharistic ministers and video production team it was an extraordinary "all hands on deck" event that truly WAS "Ubuntu Exemplified." (As described in the General Convention Daily!)
And what a privilege to be under the same roof with +Gene Robinson, +Barbara Harris AND +Edmond Browning. Grace upon grace only begins to describe it! We may have miles to go before this church we love becomes ALL that it is called to be, but I believe we have turned an important corner at this GC2009 -- and so with grateful hearts let's give thanks to all who gave so sacrificially to move us forward toward the goal of (one more time!) " the full inclusion of all the baptized in all the sacraments!"
Please add our president to this list. Susan, your leadership is extraordinary. Thank you for sacrificing your privacy and time to be there for us!
Impressive organization.
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