Greeting some early arrivals ...
... at what quickly became a GREAT cloud of witnesses!

It was a reception for deputies AND bishops and we were delighted to welcome Francisco Duque-Gomez, Bishop of Colombia ... (posing here with Integrity volunteer, Esteban Giron) ...

The details are here ... in the FAQs we put together and distributed last night ... but here's the "executive summary:"
We are here to witness to the Good News of God in Christ Jesus made present in our lives, our relationships and our vocations.
We are here to call the church we love to live up to its high calling to be a beacon of hope, compassion and justice and to move beyond not just B033 but beyond allowing our mission and ministry to be held hostage by those who insist our differences have to be divisions.
We are here to welcome the Archbishop of Canterbury and to offer him our witness to God's abundant love and our challenge to the false dichotomy that the Anglican Communion has to choose between inclusion and unity.
Because we believe that God has called us to this place -- the place Frederick Buechner names as "where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."
We believe the world's deep hunger is for the liberating message of God's love, compassion and justice available to ALL ... and that is the message we have come to this place to proclaim.
To incarnate.
To celebrate.
To legislate.
And then to take that message back out from this place -- to our congregations and our communities -- as we move forward into God's future.
We believe the world's deep hunger is for the liberating message of God's love, compassion and justice available to ALL ... and that is the message we have come to this place to proclaim.
To incarnate.
To celebrate.
To legislate.
And then to take that message back out from this place -- to our congregations and our communities -- as we move forward into God's future.
Here endeth the "Report from Anaheim." Let the games begin!
Thanks for the convention anticipation and updates. I have linked to your blogposts on my own blog at http://theliberalspirit.com
I will continue to follow and may post more, and I will be in attendance at the ELCA convention later with liveblogs and I will also be working the hallways for Goodsoil.
Many prayers for you all!
Prayers ascending!
Thanks for posting. I know you must have a million other things to do. These are great photos and great thoughts. Go, fight, win!
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