... and I am deeply honored to be among a fabulous group of women receiving L.A.C.E Awards from the LAGLC.

But the most important thing is that all this came about because I was nominated for the honor by a member of All Saints Church ... a young woman who came to us because of the publicity about our "outspoken inclusivity" ... who was baptized at last year's Easter Vigil ... who shows up every Sunday with her twenty-something partner ... and who is going to lead one of our new member groups starting next week because (she writes): All Saints Church "has inspired and challenged me to not stand by and “hope’ things get better but for all of us to roll up our sleeves and get in there and work for change."
Sure, it's cool to get dressed up and get a glimpse of Sharon Stone (or whoever) and bring home a gee-gaw for the bookshelf in the office. But the REAL payoff is the platform of privilege we get -- the powerful opportunity we have to inspire and challenge young people like my parishioner -- and to see her responding to the welcome she received by reaching out and welcoming others.
That's the Gospel work. That's the holy ground. And that's what makes all the rest of the slogging and blogging and legislating and ruminating (etc, etc, etc,) worth it ... even if you're NOT sure what to wear to the party!
Ho ho ho....congrats ... it is well deserved and great to hear about. Mark, a fan.
You rock, Susan! And make sure you get your picture taken with Sharon Stone!
Well done, Susan. Glam it up and have a wonderful evening! We will want to see the red carpet photos, of course, showing our babelicious priest at her most radiant. Move over, Sharon!
Will you be featuring that Sharon Stone sort of cleavage? With a collar? Pictures are a must!
Of course I'll be wearing a collar, silly goose! And we'll see what we can do about photos!
What Jim said: Cleavage photos.
Congrats! Wear something fabulous and have a wonderful time!
I had the great good fortune of joining Susan and Louise last night. It was a wonderful evening with women of distinction and Susan so deserved the recognition. You go, girl!!!!
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